Identify the Grave of a Jewish Veteran

The mission statement of Jewish War Veterans Department of Michigan includes:

  1. To preserve the memories and records of patriotic service performed by the men and women of our faith; and
  2. To honor their memory and shield from neglect the graves of our heroic dead.

To accomplish this, we need information that many of our local cemeteries do not keep. If the grave of your veteran does not already have a U.S. flag on Memorial Day, please help us.


Burial Information                

First Name: <= Required
Last Name: <= Required
Year of Death:
Cemetery: <= Required
Was your veteran ever a JWV member (Y/N)?
If there is a problem locating this veteran's
grave, we may need to contact you. Please
provide either an email address or phone#:

If your cemetery isn't in the drop-down list, click here to tell us about it.


Cemeteries with ***
after their name
maintain their own list
of veterans. Please
contact them directly.




Entries received after the
2nd Sunday in May will
begin getting flagged the
next year.