This page provides information about different local organizations that need volunteers - especially during the Holiday season.
Kosher Meals On Wheels needs help packing meals, Mon-Fri 6am-8am at the JCC. Bring Your Own mask - they will provide gloves. You WILL social-distance while there. Call Emily Croitori (248) 592-2317 to volunteer.
Staff the Detroit Metro Airport “Veteran Lounges” or the Troy Induction Center. TSA at our airport requires fingerprinting and a background check, provides training, then tests you on it. Contact Dave Duey (313-418-2279) to setup an appointment for fingerprinting and filling out forms.
Red Coat volunteers man information desks, push wheelchairs, and much more. Contact our Department liaison to the VA Volunteer System, Fred Peiss (248-546-8531).
Project Maggid (Storyteller Program) is active in Michigan with local storytellers - see Our stories of service were well received by Shaarey Zedek 4th-7th graders when we did this on Nov 17, 2019. Contact Don Schenk (248-515-3167) for additional Project Maggid opportunities in Michigan.
About twice each week, the US Federal Court for the Eastern Michigan District naturalizes a group of new American citizens. JWV Michigan periodically provides a speaker to these events (currently, about once per quarter), usually around holidays such as 4th of July and Constitution Day. Our speaker reads a prepared script and distributes JWV-Mchigan-branded copies of the Bill of Rights. We need more volunteer speakers so we can do this program more often. Volunteers will be called upon once or twice per year. Contact Lawrence Berry (248-760-2447) to get a copy of the script and to add your name to the list of volunteer speakers.
Oakland County has several different organizations that provide home delivered Meals on Wheels. They also need volunteers at their base of operations to pack those meals. To volunteer to pack or deliver, refer to the list below and contact the agency directly.
Yad Ezra needs volunteers to pack meals. See or call Darlene Rothman 248-548-3663.
Initiatives in classrooms and the workplace. At the time of this writing, ADL couldn't provide specific volunteer opportunities to list here. If you're interested, call them at 248-353-7553.