Free Rides For Veterans

Oakland County has extended a free ride program for veterans through September 2025. The extension was made possible by a grant from the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA). Rides must be scheduled 72 hours in advance. DD214 or equivalent is required. To schedule a free ride, go to:

Military Retirees & Dependents with ID Cards that don’t expire need to get replacements by 2026

Check your Veteran Health Identification Card. 1.5 million VHICs have expired or will expire soon. Read this article and, if your VHIC is being replaced, follow the link in the article to The ID Card Office Online.

If your card looks like THIS ====>
Get it replaced.          


2024 Calendar of Holidays and Events

Tu B'Shevat

Sundown on February 12th begins Tu B'Shevat - New Year for purposes of counting the age of Trees, for tithing (fruit from trees may not be eaten during the first three years; the fourth year's fruit is for G-d, and after that, you can eat the fruit).

In contemporary Israel, this day is celebrated as an ecological awareness day, and trees are planted in celebration. For environmentalists, Tu B’Shevat is an ancient and authentic Jewish “Earth Day”


No Post Meetings In February

Historically, Posts do not meet in February because it conflicts with the annual Jewish War Veterans of the USA, National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting.

Presidents Day

Monday, February 17th, the USA honors Presidents Washington and Lincoln. Lincoln's actual birthday is Feb 12th. Washington's actual birthday is Feb 18th.

Daylight Savings Time

2nd Sunday in March begins Daylight Savings Time. Move your clocks forward Saturday night/Sunday morning at 1AM.

Happy Birthday to JWV

On March 15, 1896, Jewish War Veterans of the USA was founded in New York City (as the Hebrew Union Veterans Association).



Sunset on Friday, March 14th begins Purim - commemorating the deliverance of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian Empire from destruction in the wake of a plot by Haman.

As described in the Book of Esther, Haman was the son of Hammedatha the Agagite. After Haman was appointed the principal minister of the Persian king Ahasuerus, all of the king's servants were required to bow down to Haman, but Mordechai refused to. Angered by this, and knowing of Mordechai's Jewish heritage, Haman convinced Ahasuerus to allow him to have all of the Jews in the Persian empire killed.
The plot was foiled by Queen Esther, the king's recent wife, who was also a Jew. Esther invited Haman and the king to two banquets. In the second banquet, she informed the king that Haman was plotting to kill her (and all the other Jews). This enraged the king. On the king's orders, Haman was hanged from the gallows that had originally been built by Haman to hang Mordechai.


March Post Meetings

This March on the Third Sunday of the month, all 3 Posts within Department of Michigan will meet at Zekelman Holocaust Center at 10am.




Gold Star Spouses Day

April 5th of each year is Gold Star Spouses Day.

Gold Stars represent family members killed during active duty. They stand for sacrifice made for honor and freedom. Honor the spouses of those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

For history of the Blue/Silver/Gold Stars, go to: this link.


Army Day

April 6th is Army Day. Fly your flag proudly.

Army Day was first celebrated on May 1, 1928. But starting in 1929, Army Day was changed to April 6, the anniversary date of the United States' entry into World War I.



Saturday night April 12th is the 1st Passover Seder.

Passover commemorates the Israelites liberation from slavery in Egypt and the “passing over” of the forces of destruction, or the sparing of the firstborn, when the Lord “smote the land of Egypt” on the eve of the Exodus.

April 20th is Yizkor, when we implore G‑d to remember the souls of our relatives and friends that have passed on. Light Yahrzeit (Memorial) candles the night of April 29th.


Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)

Sunset on April 23rd begins Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Yom Hashoah was established in Israel in 1959 by law. It falls on the 27th of the Jewish month of Nissan, a date chosen because it is the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

The Zekelman Holocaust Center's annual Yom HaShoah program will be held on TDB day.


April Post Meetings

Third Sunday of the month, all 3 Posts within Department of Michigan will meet at 10am. We will be meeting at Zekelman Holocaust Center in Farmington Hills.


Israel's Memorial Day (Yom HaZikaron)

Sunset on April 29th begins Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel.

While Yom HaZikaron has been traditionally dedicated to fallen soldiers, commemoration has also been extended to civilian victims of terrorism.


Israel's Independence Day (Yom HaAtzmaut)

Sunset on April 30th begins Israel's Independence Day.


Women's Health Month

May is Women's Health Month, a time to focus on ways that women can improve their health and maintain a balanced lifestyle. The Military Health System encourages women to make themselves a priority and to be aware of specific health issues that affect their health. For more information, go to

Silver Star Banner Day

Silver Star Service Banner Day is marked on May 1 of each year to honor those who've received the Silver Star Medal. The Silver Star service banner also honors those who have died, become sick, or who have been injured in combat.

Your service will not be forgotten.


V-E Day

May 8th we celebrate the end of World War II in Europe.


Mother's Day

Sunday, May 11th is Mother's Day. Enjoy quality time with family.


Armed Forces Week

The 2nd Saturday thru 3rd Sunday in May is Armed Forces week. Armed Forces Day is the final Saturday of Armed Forces Week.


Lag B'Omer

Sunset on Saturday, May 15th begins Lag B'Omer.

The Omer is the forty-nine days between Passover and Shavuot. The period of the Omer is a time of semi-mourning, during which traditional Jewish custom forbids haircuts, shaving, listening to instrumental music, or conducting weddings, parties, and dinners with dancing.

The 33rd day of the count, Lag B'Omer, mourning practices that occur during the Omer period are lifted. Communities may celebrate Lag B'Omer by having bonfires for family and friends, while some people may choose to get married on this day.


May Post Meetings

Third Sunday of the month, all 3 Posts within Department of Michigan will meet at Zekelman Holocaust Center in Farmington Hills at 10:00 AM.,




U.S. Memorial Day

Monday, May 26th is Memorial Day in the USA. Events will be listed here as they become known. If you attend, be sure to wear your JWV hat.

Friday, May 23rd, 9:00 AM, City of Southfield Veterans Commission & Mayor Ken Siver host their annual Memorial Day Ceremony in Council Chambers. Open to the public and all veterans.

Sunday, May 25th, 10:30 AM, JWV Department of Michigan will hold a service in the Veterans Section of Machpelah Cemetery on Woodward S of 9 Mile in Ferndale. Also Sunday, at 1:00 PM, JWV Department of Michigan will hold a service in the Veterans Section of Hebrew Memorial Cemetery on Gratiot N of 14 Mile in Mt. Clemens. Both open to the public.

Monday, time as-yet unknown – but DEFINITELY before 9:00 AM - JWV Michiagn will be in the Royal Oak Memorial Day Parade. Summer Parade uniform (White shirt WITH A COLLAR – T-Shirts will NOT do - dark slacks – No Shorts – Black shoes, JWV HAT). White (no off-white) “golf” shirts will be OK. White “golf” shirts with the JWV LOGO can be ordered on the National JWV website.


Memorial Day at 3:00 PM local time, pause for a moment to reflect on those men and women who gave their lives that we might have this day. Remember also the Gold Star Families who will never be able to hold their loved ones again, save in their memories.



Sunset on June 1st begins Shavuot, commemorating the revelation of the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai.

June 3rd is Yizkor, when we implore G‑d to remember the souls of our relatives and friends that have passed on. Light Yahrzeit (Memorial) candles Tuesday night.



June 6th is the anniversary of the Invasion of Normandy.

On June 6, 1944 the Allied Forces of Britain, America, Canada, and France attacked German forces on the coast of Normandy, France. With a huge force of 156,000 soldiers, the Allies landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of Normandy. The invasion was one of the largest amphibious military assaults in history and gained a victory that became the turning point for World War II in Europe.

Approximately 15,000 French civilians died in the Normandy campaign, partly from Allied bombing and partly from combat actions of Allied and German ground forces.


U.S. Flag Day and U.S. Army Birthday

June 14th is Flag Day in the USA. On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress took a break from writing the Articles of Confederation and passed a resolution stating that “the flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternate red and white,” and that “the union be 13 stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” Over 100 years later, in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson marked the anniversary of that decree by officially establishing June 14 as Flag Day.


June 14th is also the birthday of the U.S. Army, which was authorized by Congress on June 14, 1775. Happy birthday, Army!



June 19th we celebrate the emancipation of the last Black American slaves, in Texas on June 19, 1865, after the end of our Civil War.


June Post Meetings

Fourth Sunday of the month, all 3 Posts within Department of Michigan will meet at Zekelman Holocaust Center in Farmington Hills at 10:00 AM. This is also usually the time of the JWV Department of Michigan Annual Convention. Stay tuned for details as they are finalized.


p style="text-align: center; font-size: 14pt;">Canada Day

July 1st is Canada Day. Formerly known as Dominion Day, it celebrates the anniversary of Canadian Confederation which occurred on July 1, 1867, with the passing of the British North America Act, when the three separate colonies of the United Canadas, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick were united into a single dominion within the British Empire called Canada.


U.S. Independence Day

July 4th is Independence Day in the USA.

JWV Michigan events will be announced here when they have been confirmed.


July Post Meetings

Third Sunday of the month, all 3 Posts within Department of Michigan will meet at Zekelman Holocaust Center in Farmington Hills at 10:00 AM.


Hire A Veteran Day

July 25th is U.S. National "Hire A Veteran" day. If you are an employer ....


Korean War Armistice Day

July 27th marks the anniversary of the truce between North Korea and the United Nations. This conflict is not over! The truce is tenuous and occasional hostilities still occur. Remember our troops still stationed at the edge of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in South Korea.


Tisha B'Av

The evening of August 2nd, 2025 begins Tisha B'Av, the date in the Hebrew Calendar that both Temples were destroyed, the first by the Babylonians and the second by the Romans.

It is a day of mourning and also a fast day.

Happy Birthday, U.S. Coast Guard

On Aug. 4, 1790, the first Congress authorized the production of 10 vessels to enforce laws and prevent smuggling. Today, the Coast Guard continues to protect our nation's coastline, holding true to its motto of "Semper Paratus."

Purple Heart Day

August 7th is Purple Heart Day - a day to honor the brave men and women who have served our country and, in battle, were either wounded or made the ultimate sacrifice.

The Purple Heart award was established in 1782 by General George Washington and is the oldest American military award.


National Airborne Day

August 16th is U.S. National Airborne Day. Honor the brave paratroopers who have taken to the skies to protect and defend our nation.


JWV 130th Annual National Convention is August 17-22 in Henderson, NV.

V-J Day

September 2nd we celebrate the end of World War II hostilities in Japan.


Labor Day

First Monday in September, we celebrate Labor Day in the USA.


Patriot Day

September 11th is Patriot Day. Remember all of the victims and first responders that died in the 9/11 attacks.


Constitution Day - September 17

September 17, 1787, the U.S. Constitutional Convention presented it's results to Congress and adjourned. The constitution was ratified by the (minimum required) 9th state in 1788 (New Hampshire) and by the last of the original 13 states (Rhode Island) in 1790. Our constitution is the oldest written constitution in operation in the world.

Events will be listed here as they become known to us. JWV members, please wear your JWV hat.


U.S. Air Force Birthday

September 18th we celebrate the birthday of the U.S. Air Force, which was officially founded on 18 September 1947.


National POW-MIA Recognition Day

The third Friday of September (Sept 19, 2025) is National POW-MIA Recognition Day. Our thoughts and prayers go to all who have not returned from any of our worldwide conflicts.


September Post Meetings

On the third Sunday of September, all 3 Posts within Department of Michigan will meet at Zekelman Holocaust Center. Posts meet at 10 am. There will be a department-wide meeting at 11 am.


Rosh Hashonah

The night of September 22nd begins Rosh Hashonah; Septemberber 23rd is the first day.

Rosh Hashanah begins a period of prayer and repentance for Jews that culminates with Yom Kipper, 8 days after Rosh Hashanah. According to Hebrew tradition, G-d judges each human being starting on Rosh Hashanah and ending at the end of Yom Kippur, deciding who will live and who will die over the coming year. Those condemned to death have until Yom Kippur to perform Teshuvah (repentance).

Happy New Year to all of our members, friends, and relatives.


Kever Avot

The Sunday between Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur is our traditional day to go out to our cemeteries and remember our beloved family members who now lie in the earth. We recite El Maelei and Kaddish.

Many cemeteries that are locked-up all year are opened on this day. Don't expect them to stay unlocked all day; some will re-lock at 1PM.


Gold Star Mothers Day

The last Sunday in September is Gold Star Mothers Day.

Gold Stars represent family members killed during active duty. They stand for sacrifice made for honor and freedom. Honor the mothers of those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

For history of the Blue/Silver/Gold Stars, go to: this link.


Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur

Sunset on October 1st is Kol Nidre - the beginning of Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Over the 24 hours of Yom Kippur adult Jews will fast; this is the highest of our High Holy Days.

Yom Kippur is also a Yizkor day, when we implore G‑d to remember the souls of our relatives and friends that have passed on. Light Yahrzeit (Memorial) candles.

We hope that all of our members, friends, and relatives have an easy fast.

If you intend to build a sukkah, start immediately after Yom Kippur.



Sunset on October 6th begins Sukkot.

Sukkot is a weeklong Jewish holiday that comes five days after Yom Kippur and celebrates the gathering of the harvest. It's the only Jewish holiday whose date does not commemorate an historic event. We celebrate Sukkot by dwelling in a foliage-covered booth (known as a sukkah) and by taking four special species of vegetation; an etrog (citron), a lulav (palm frond), three hadassim (myrtle twigs) and two aravot (willow twigs).


Anniversary of Hamas 2023 Attack

October 7 on the Gregorian Calendar is the anniversary of the Hamas attack and massacre of civilians at a music concert in Israel.

Babies were slaughtered in their cribs. Women and female children were raped. Children and adults were murdered and their bodies mutilated. Over 1,200 died and over 250 more were taken as hostages to the Gaza Strip - many of which are still there.

Hamas' Charter says that it will kill every Jew in Israel, and that it will continue to do that for as long as a single Hamas member is alive. That leaves little choice for Israel.

Anniversary of Hamas 5784 Attack

The Knesset of Israel set 24 Tishrei as the date to commemorate the Hamas attack and massacre of civilians at a music concert that happened in Israel on 22 Tishrei, 5784. This year, 24 Tishrei falls on October 16, 2025.

Babies were slaughtered in their cribs. Women and female children were raped. Children and adults were murdered and their bodies mutilated. Over 1,200 died and over 250 more were taken as hostages to the Gaza Strip - many of which are still there.

Hamas' Charter says that it will kill every Jew in Israel, and that it will continue to do that for as long as a single Hamas member is alive. That leaves little choice for Israel.

Columbus Day

Second Monday in October we celebrate Columbus Day. Italian explorer Christopher Columbus led a Spanish expedition in search of an alternate trade route to the Far East with his 3 ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. He found the "New World" on October 12, 1492.


U.S. Navy Birthday

October 13th is the birthday of the U.S. Navy.

A 13 October 1775 resolution of the Continental Congress established what is now the United States Navy. After the American War of Independence, the U.S. Constitution empowered the new Congress “to provide and maintain a navy.” Acting on this authority, Congress established the Department of the Navy on 30 April 1798. In 1972, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt authorized official recognition of 13 October as the birthday of the U.S. Navy, "to enhance a greater appreciation of our Navy heritage, and to provide a positive influence toward pride and professionalism in the naval service."


Shemini Atzeret

Sunset on Monday, October 13rd begins Shemini Atzeret, the Eighth Day of Assembly. It is also Yizkor, when we implore G‑d to remember the souls of our relatives and friends that have passed on. Light Yahrzeit (Memorial) candles.


Simchat Torah

Sunset on Tuesday, October 14th begins Simchat Torah - the celebration of reading the final passage of the Torah, and then rolling it back to the beginning.


October Post Meetings

On Sunday, October 19th, all 3 Posts within Department of Michigan will meet at Zekelman Holocaust Center. Posts meet at 10 am. There will be a department-wide meeting at 11 am.


Navy Day

October 27th of each year is Navy Day. Fly your flag proudly.

The Navy League of the United States organized the first Navy Day in 1922, holding it on October 27 because it was the birthday of 26th President Theodore Roosevelt(1858–1919, served 1901–1909), who was a naval enthusiast/promoter of sea power and former assistant Secretary of the Navy just before the Spanish–American War of 1898.


Daylight Savings Time Ends

1st Sunday in November, Daylight Savings Time ends. Before you go to bed Saturday night, reset your clocks back one hour.

Kristallnacht Anniversary

November 9th is the anniversary of Kristallnacht. “Kristallnacht” or “The Night of Broken Glass” was a violent attack against the Jewish community that took place on this night across Germany, Austria, and the occupied Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. Though portrayed as a spontaneous event, high-ranking German officials had been making plans for the nationwide pogrom for months prior. Jewish businesses, homes, and community centers were violently ransacked and nearly 1,500 synagogues were torched. Police and firefighters were ordered to stand by and only interfere when property owned by non-Jews was threatened. Nearly a hundred people were murdered in the violence, and 40,000 Jewish men were arrested in the immediate aftermath. Remember those whose lives were devastated by that night.


Congregation Shaarey Zedek Veterans Shabbat

Shabbat, Nov 9, 2024, all Jewish veterans will be honored by (Conservative) Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield, Michigan. Services begin at 9:30AM. Near the end of the service, Veterans will be asked to return to the lobby area to organize for their processional into the sanctuary.

If you don't want to participate in the Conservative service, be there at 10:30 to gather in the lobby.

If you are a member of JWV, wear your JWV hat.


Detroit Veterans Day Parade

Sunday before Veterans Day (Nov 10, 2024), JWV will participate in the Detroit Veterans Day parade.

Get more details from your Post Commander.


Happy Birthday, U.S. Marine Corps

Nov 10th is the birthday of our Marine Corps. On November 10, 1775, a Corps of Marines was created by resolution of Continental Congress.


Veteran's Day

Nov 11th is Veteran's Day. Freebies and/or discounts for Veteran's Day can be found at:

Events are scheduled by Temples, Synagogues, and Municipalities just prior to Veteran's Day. Those events, dates, times, and locations will be added to this calendar as they become known. Please wear your JWV hat.


November Post Meetings

On Sunday, November 17th, all 3 Posts within Department of Michigan will meet at Zekelman Holocaust Center. Posts meet at 10 am. There will be a department-wide meeting at 11 am.


Anniversary of the Gettysburg Address

On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech that he thought people would soon forget.


Thanksgiving Day

4th Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day in the USA.


Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

December 7th is The Date That Will Live In Infamy.

Remember Pearl Harbor.



The night of December 14th, light the first candle on your Menorah.

This eight-day holiday commemorates the rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where Judas Maccabee and his brothers led a group of Jewish rebels, who defeated their oppressors and re-took control of Judea.   Happy Chanukah to all!

The JWV Department of Michigan annual Chanukah party will be held on December XXth at 11 AM. Contact your Post Commander for additional information.

January Post Meetings

Third Sunday of the month, all 3 Posts within Department of Michigan will meet at 10am. We will be meeting at Zekelman Holocaust Center.


Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Third Monday in January, 19th, the USA honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27th is the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. On November 1, 2005, the United Nations designated January 27th as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) in 2026 begins sunset, April 13th. That date (on the Hebrew calendar) marks the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.


Four Chaplains Day

February 3rd is the anniversary of the sinking of the USAT Dorchester by a German U-boat in 1943. Rabbi Alexander Goode, along with Protestant chaplains Rev. John Washington and Rev. Clark Poling, and Catholic priest Rev. George Fox gave up their life jackets so that soldiers being transported to the front might live. In 1988, Congress officially declared Feb 3rd to be Four Chaplains Day. Flags should be flown at half-staff, if possible. The full story of the Four Chaplains can be read here.


To update this calendar, e-mail