Welcome to our JWV membership application portal. The information provided on this page will help you to fill-out your application properly. When you are ready, click on this link to continue to the online input form.
Unless you are currently serving in the Armed Forces, your application must be accompanied by a copy of your discharge (AKA: DD-214) and a dues payment (WWII veterans are free). If your discharge form is already digitized, email it to membership@jwv.org as soon as you complete the online input form. If it isn't digitized yet, take a picture of it or scan it into your computer, now.
Membership for active duty military and for WWII veterans is free. After completing the online input form, active duty military should simply send an email to membership@jwv.org from your .MIL email account to confirm your service.
When you go to the online input form, specify MICHIGAN as your "Post State", so the correct Posts come up in the list of Posts. Selecting a Post to join used to be a geographic decision - you joined a Post that was close to your home. However, all 3 Posts within JWV Michigan now usually meet at the Zekelman Holocaust Center in Farmington Hills at 10AM on the 3rd Sunday of the month, so now you can join a Post to be with someone you know. If you don't know anyone that's already a member of a JWV Michigan Post, then you can fall back on geography. Post 135 is our West Bloomfield Post, Post 474 is our Commerce Township Post, and Post 510 is our Southfield Post.
Dues for all of the Posts within JWV Department of Michigan are standardized: $65 for 1 year, $108.50 for 2 years, $153.25 for 3 years, $500 for lifetime. Credit cards are accepted for dues payment via the web input form. Remember - no dues payment or DD-214 are required for active duty, but an email from your .MIL email account is required. Also, WWII veterans are free.
After completing the online input form, veterans must email a copy of their DD-214 (or whatever you have as a Discharge form) to membership@jwv.org.
Questions about anything? Contact us by email (membership@jwv-mi.org) or by phone (248-855-5085).
To join a JWV Department of Michigan Post as a Patron (you are not a veteran, but are related to a veteran) print the PRINTABLE PATRON MEMBERSHIP FORM, then contact us by email (membership@jwv-mi.org) or by phone (248-855-5085).
To join the JWV Department of Michigan Ladies Auxiliary, print the PRINTABLE AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP FORM, then contact the person listed on that form for dues info and further instructions.