Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the end of WW II

We have prepared a tribute to recognize and honor our surviving heroes (as of late 2020) on the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II.

The show lasts about 5 minutes 50 seconds. To just view the material for a specific veteran, click on the veteran's name below.


Leo Barris
Irving Bernstein
Jack Caminker
Roger Daniels
Art Fishman
Jerome Glassman
Sydney Harris
Mark Hechler
Daniel Hoffer

Leo Hollander
Martin Joseff
Herman Kasoff
Phillip Layne
Orville Lefko
Richard Leland
Robert Lipson
Jerry Manchel
Edward Meer
Myron Milgrom

Dr. George Mogill
Marty Myers
Graham Orley
Dr. Saul Rosner
Harold Shwedel
Guy Stern
Harmon Tron
Hans Weinmann
Albert Zack
Milton Zussman